

Back in June I shared with you my little backyard meadow. Well, here it is September and today I wandered to the back of the yard to check out the "meadow"in its full end-of-summer glory.

Come a little closer to see what I found, Goldenrod and a Preying Mantis:

I left the little guy where he was, but couldn't resist bringing some of the goldenrod into my home. Here it is in the sunroom:

I clipped these cuties too:

More goldenrod in my front foyer.

Aaaah!! I do love the outdoors. Have I mentioned that? So glorious.

Life is beautiful right outside your door. Today I am sharing this with Melissa' Beautiful Life Friday over at The Inspired Room.

Enjoy your holiday weekend!

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  1. What fun to have a meadow.
    I always enjoy finding a praying mantis in the garden too.
    You have a lovely home, love the valance in the dining area.

  2. I love to bring the outdoors, indoors. Your bouquets look beautiful.

  3. Oh, I adore your meadow. Thank you for showing it to us this season. I remember it from last time and loved it then. The golden rod is lovely as well.

  4. Lovely post and photos, bringing the outdoors in is a great way to celebrate the changing seasons. Fall nesting is a great theme for a blog party and everyone has such lovely ideas to share.
