
First Day of Autumn

A Song of Autumn by Adam Lindsay Gordon

‘WHERE shall we go for our garlands glad
At the falling of the year,
When the burnt-up banks are yellow and sad,
When the boughs are yellow and sere?
Where are the old ones that once we had,
And when are the new ones near?
What shall we do for our garlands glad
At the falling of the year?’
‘Child! can I tell where the garlands go?
Can I say where the lost leaves veer
On the brown-burnt banks,
when the wild winds blow,
When they drift through the dead-wood drear?
Girl! when the garlands of next year glow,
You may gather again, my dear—
But I go where the last year’s lost leaves go
At the falling of the year.’

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  1. Beautiful post. Just loved the photos!

  2. Jane @ Finding FabulousSeptember 22, 2009 at 11:34 AM

    Don't you just love Fall? My absolute favorite time of year. Here in NC, it comes a bit later, but well worth the wait!

  3. I love your pictures ... I cannot wait for days like those!!! Love your new header, too - very festive!

  4. Love your pictures...so soothing to the eye!

  5. Stunning pictures! That is exactly what fall should look like everywhere.

    (In TX we just jump from Summer to Winter and never quite have anything like that)

    Take care,

  6. Fall is my favorite season, I just wish it would last all year. The trees are gorgeous in your photos, ours haven't turned yet.

